Aotearoa Children's Arts Council
Vision for the Future
That the children of Aotearoa will have access to explore their individual art experience in the community as a contributing creator in cultural and artistic practices.
Resources and facilities for children's arts are made a priority.
That children are provided with consistent, long-term funding and strategic support to ensure that they have full and equal access to the arts within their communities.
Governments and local authorities adopt consistent long-term policies and make financial provision to support those policies, for arts outside school.
That children's work has equal status to that of adults.
Art councils and arts bodies provide wide support and respect of children's artistic aspirations and achievements.
The Aotearoa Children's Arts Council becomes highly valued in its own right as a future-change agent for New Zealand.
A Voice for Children
This Council will be a group of highly motivated and creative children who love the Arts.
Youth leaders advocating for children's creativity to flourish as humanities best force forward, respecting and promoting diversity and individual talent.
Will model self-excellence in a non-competitive environment for enthusiastic Arts children.
Council will encourage self-funding using their talents and encourage work on community themes and projects which benefit everyone.
We have a creative revolution on earth today, the new visual generation. It's a necessity for children to be creative. It is not a luxury.
Children bring in fresh, original contributions as the supreme innovators.
We need to capture, mobilize and assist this force and understand their rights to be creative.
Andrew Stanaway (9)
An arts council of leaders meeting four times a year where children can apply for assistance and support which will be heard by a sympathetic and understanding group of young creators to bring in the fresh, the new and the original.
Advocate for After School Art Clubs around Aotearoa.
Winnie Kung (10)
UN Rights
1. Recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.
2. Shall respect and promote the right of the child to participate fully in cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity.
Tarryn Hunt (9)